In QuickTime Player, Edit -> Flip Vertical.
Build Android source on Mac
This procedure works on macOS 10.12.2
Establishing build environment:
1. Creating a case-sensitive disk image
hdiutil create -type SPARSE -fs 'Case-sensitive Journaled HFS+' -size 100g ~/android.dmg
2. Mount the image
hdiutil attach ~/android.dmg.sparseimage -mountpoint /Volumes/android
Extract audio from MP4 files
Install VLC, “File” -> “Convert & Stream” -> “Open media” -> “Choose Profile” (e.g. “Audio – MP3”) -> “Save as File”.
Compress multiple files in parallel
Install GNU Parallel, e.g. in MacOS:
brew install parallel
Then execute (e.g. all files are .txt) (Note: original files will be deleted)
parallel gzip ::: *.txt
A simple mic, mixer and speaker setup
- Mic: Behringer XM8500
2nd input: e.g. iPhone
Mixer: Behringer 502
Powered speaker: Mackie CR3